Magic link FAQ

To log in, we will send you an email with a link in it. Click that link on your email app on your phone and you will be automatically redirected and logged into your account.
Please note:

  • Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see the email in your regular inbox.
  • Links last for 30 minutes before they are invalid.
  • The link will be invalidated once it is clicked or used in a browser preview. 
If you need to copy/paste, but the link becomes invalidated, please request another link.
  • If the clicking link still does not work, you can copy and paste it directly into the web browser on your phone to be redirected.
  • If you request a new email, all previous links are invalid. You must click the most recently sent link.
  • If you have followed the steps above and are still having issues, please reach out to us with the specifications of your device, including what mail client, browser, and operating system you are using. Once we have that information, we will be able to help you troubleshoot more.
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